My day today
Today was an enormous day at work. In the morning, I had standup at 9:20, like we do every morning, and at standup we go around and share what we did yesterday and what we plan to do that day. Sadly, I did sweet fuck all yesterday, so this morning, when it was my turn to share, I provided the classic high school excuse and relied on them being to old to recognize it. I said "Yesterday I was working on researching a bunch of stuff". Honestly, even I cringed when I heard it, but nobody challenged me. However, I didn't do nothing today, that's for sure. I, along with two other developers who are also new, got drafted to be testers, because we recently had to fire a tester and there is a backlog of testing to do. Unfortunately for me, testing is a massive ballache, and quite boring. I don't want to disobey , but putting it off until the other two devs get through some of it wouldn't go too far awry. So, on my list of things to do in the morning was (ready for a list, goddamn I love lists):
Test a dashboard report
Test a bugfix
Rewrite a piece of code based on a senior dev's suggestions, including an invitation to discuss variable names with him at great length.
Investigate whether or not a new project involving importing a whole bunch of data would cause any issues with our app, and if so discover where the problems are.
Have lunch (I put this on my list because I wanted something to look forward to)
Of those, guess which one I did first? Am I the sort of guy to eat his veggies before dessert? Screw that. I went with #3. I spent like an hour talking to this senior dev (Kostas, nominally my line boss) about dynamic keys/values and a whole bunch of interesting stuff, and I actually had an epiphany in the process, which was that his idea (therefore the right idea) of a dynamic key is that it is somehow compiled to valid normal key(s), whereas my silly assumption is that it was just any sort of config, which could include that use, but wouldn't necessarily.
The rest of my day was not quite as exciting, albeit full, although I did learn a bit from a chat with another senior dev (Edwin, basically technical lead of the project). However, he also gave me, and I quote, a "shaking fist emoji", for merging a ticket but not moving it to the correct column in github. Yikes.
At the end of the day, at pretty much 6 on the dot, I decided for the first time to jump into another guy's discord to say goodbye before we left, and it was very rewarding. The guy's name is Nick, and he's a good one. 40ish (hope he never reads that, especially if he's 32), from New Zealand originally, and quite a lefty. He'll pop up again, you be sure.
This morning, as weird as it sounds, I didn't have the time to listen to rap. By that, I mean that I was slamming out some busted and the like. In the afternoon, I made the transition to expanding my listening habits. I actually enjoyed madvillainy on the second listen, and I'll definitely give it another shot in a few days. Dr. Dre is new for me as well, but a much easier listen, actually seeming very relaxed, plus there's a sprinking of Eminem in there as well which is always appreciated.

Which guy??
MF doom is the The other colleagues seem like interesting characters too